MEGA PACK of 12 Fluid Acrylic Desktop & Phone Wallpapers
Fluid acrylic art is a special joy to make. This is my first foray into abstract art, and I hope you like it.
This is a gift for all Merch Club members! It includes 6 desktop wallpapers & 6 phone wallpapers!
If this is your jam, you might like our entire fluid acrylic merch line. You could even pick up the high-res, signed, printable versions of your favourite pieces from the shop!
Design by: Dani & 2gether6
Colour Choices By Our Incredible Patrons (in order of colour appearance): Klutzy_crafts, Xanbabe, justjenny4prez, nothingclever2say, chocooroo, Doctor_AZ1, Smellystuff, MetroDAMON, Prebbis, Simon9009, DerDrongo, steveuk2013, Yazilliclick, captainkatamari, StormInKey, Adam1984_, theOG_eris, ulodinen
N64_KFP, Unclejimbo1964, EvilturnipT, Kingofmischief77, CShuy, thekarrotte, SmakTalk94, UnmagicalMe, chadrad2002, Uru_can